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Medical Requirements
We adhere to state regulations regarding immunization records for every child. Current immunization records and well child statements for all ages must be provided when a child is enrolled.

We also request that immunization certificates for day care be submitted each time a child receives new immunizations. We will even let you know when immunizations are due.

By adhering to these standards, we are doing everything possible to ensure the health of your child and others.

Nutrition Program
All snacks at Blue Kangaroo are designed to meet the daily nutritional needs of each child — as well as taste good! We provide nutritional snacks in the morning and afternoon.

Although we do not serve breakfast, you are welcome to bring in a single serving of breakfast to be served with juice in the morning.

Children will need to bring a cold lunch each day. If your child has special dietary needs or food allergies, just let us know. We serve all meals in the classroom, and our teachers eat with the children to promote and stimulate conversations and self-help skills.

At Blue Kangaroo, one of our goals is to provide as healthy an environment as possible for your child. As a way to help ensure this, we do not accept children with communicable diseases, diarrhea or a temperature above 101 degrees.

This is not only state law, but it’s another step in protecting all our children. If your child were to become ill while attending the center, we notify you as soon as possible to come pick up your child. You can be sure that in the meantime, a caring adult will be there to provide the comfort a sick child needs.

Rest Time
We make sure all of our children have a rest period each day. Rest is crucial for the health of learning, playing, growing children.

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